Artist Bio
Brian Van de Wetering is a photographic artist living and working in San Diego. Brian’s interest in the arts began in his youth when he dabbled in acting, lighting design, set design, music, and the visual arts including painting, sculpture, and collage. During college he worked at San Diego’s Old Globe Theater. A degree in computer science and minor in English led to a career in software development while playing in a punk band provided an artistic outlet. But his interest in the visual arts remained unfulfilled.
In 2010, success in the Anza Borrego Foundation’s annual Desert Photo Contest inspired Brian to seriously pursue an artistic practice centered around photography. He continues to develop his unique artistic vision with projects and interests including self-portraiture, the constructed image, conceptual work, street photography, abstraction, surrealism, and humor. He incorporates a wide variety of cameras and techniques in his work including-medium format film, toy cameras, home-built cameras, Polaroids, lumen prints, light painting, found photographs, collage, and sculptural works.
Since 2010, Brian’s work has been featured in many juried exhibitions throughout the United States including at the South East Center for Photography, The Los Angeles Center of Photography, the PhotoPlace Gallery in Vermont, and the Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center in Minneapolis among others. His work has been featured by Jonathan Blaustein on and by Aline Smithson on Brian is currently the Technical Director of and works as a freelance web developer. Brian continues to play in the Irish punk band he helped found more than 30 years ago.